Activities in Spanish: How to Talk About Your Hobbies in Spanish

Senderismo - Hiking activities in Spanish

Talking about your favorite sports and hobbies is a great way to break the ice and improve your conversation skills. Knowing how to talk about your favorite activities in Spanish will help you introduce yourself better and connect with people and their interests as well.

In today’s post, we’ll cover tons of Spanish vocabulary regarding activities and hobbies such as sports, games, and pastimes. We will also take a look at some handy verbs and expressions we use when talking about our favorite activities in Spanish.

We’ll start the post off with a section on useful verbs, phrases, and questions to talk about our favorite activities in Spanish. Then we’ll have the activity sections, each with a big Spanish vocabulary list: we start with sports in Spanish, we’ll work through outdoor activities, artistic pursuits, relaxing pastimes and games in Spanish, leading all the way to domestic activities in Spanish.

Let the games begin!

Activities in Spanish: Key Words and Phrases

Before getting into the vocabulary lists, let’s start with some useful words and phrases for asking questions and talking about our hobbies in Spanish.

Expressing interests, likes, and dislikes

We have a variety of Spanish verbs and phrases for talking about the things we like or dislike. Let’s start off with the main verbs you may find useful for describing how you feel about certain activities in Spanish:

English verbs Spanish verbs
To like Gustar
To like very much, To love Encantar
To love Amar
To hate Odiar

Note that gustar and encantar are conjugated to match the activity which is liked, with indirect object pronouns for whoever likes that activity. Amar and odiar are regular -ar verbs. Check out these examples to see how we can talk about how we like or dislike various activities or sports in Spanish:

  • I like soccer. – Me gusta el fútbol.
  • I like to play soccer. – Me gusta jugar fútbol.
  • She likes to paint. – A ella le gusta pintar.
  • I love music and photography. – Amo la música y la fotografía.
  • She loves to play as a team. – Ella ama jugar en equipo.
  • He loves to go camping with friends. – A él le encanta acampar con amigos.
  • We love to bake chocolate cookies. – Nos encanta hornear galletas de chocolate.
  • I hate to swim when the water is cold. – Odio nadar cuando el agua está fría.
  • My mother hates running in the mornings. – Mi mamá odia correr por las mañanas.

The verbs we’ve just introduced are the most common ways to express liking or disliking for certain activities, but that doesn’t mean they’re the only ones. Check out this other list for some additional phrases to talk about your hobbies in Spanish:

English Spanish
My passion is… Mi pasión es…
My favorite activity is… Mi actividad favorita es…
My favorite hobby is… Mi hobby favorito es…
What I like the most is… Lo que más me gusta es…
… interests me. Me interesa….
I’m interested in… Estoy interesado en…, Estoy interesada en…
I’m a fan of… Soy fanático de…, Soy fanática de…

Let’s look at some examples:

  • Learning Spanish is my passion. – Aprender español es mi pasión.
  • Surfing is what Samuel likes the most. – El surf es lo que más le gusta a Samuel.
  • We are interested in sports. – Sports interest us. – Nos interesan los deportes.
  • I’m a rugby fan. – Soy fanático del rugby.
  • They are interested in the arts. – Están interesados en las artes.

Asking about interests and hobbies in Spanish

Now that you know how to talk about your favorite activities in Spanish, it’s time to learn how to ask about other people’s interests. Check out this list to learn how to ask your friends about their favorite hobbies and sports in Spanish.

English Spanish
Do you have any hobbies? ¿Tienes algún hobby?, ¿Tienes algún pasatiempo?
What is your favorite hobby? ¿Cuál es tu hobby favorito?, ¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo favorito?
What is your favorite activity? ¿Cuál es tu actividad favorita?
What do you like to do in your free time? ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
What do you like to do in your leisure time? ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo de ocio?
What do you like to do on the weekends? ¿Qué te gusta hacer los fines de semana?
What is your favorite sport? ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito?

Sports – Los deportes

Let’s start our Spanish vocabulary lists with this section on Spanish sports. Whether you’re a fan of certain teams or you like to practice these activities yourself, these are the words you need to refer to a wide variety of sports in Spanish.

Sport El deporte
Soccer El fútbol
Football El fútbol americano
Rugby El rugby
Baseball El béisbol
Basketball El básquetbol, El baloncesto
Volleyball El voleibol
Beach volleyball El voleibol de playa
Tennis El tenis
Table tennis, Ping-Pong El tenis de mesa, El ping-pong
Badminton El bádminton
Golf El golf
Polo El polo
Hockey El hockey
Cycling El ciclismo, Andar en bicicleta, Montar en bicicleta
Swimming La natación, Nadar
Skiing El esquí, Esquiar
Skating El patinaje, Patinar
Ice skating El patinaje sobre hielo, Patinar sobre hielo
Boxing El boxeo, Boxear
Walking Caminar
Jogging Trotar
Running Correr

Outdoor Activities – Las Actividades al Aire Libre

This section is for fresh air and nature lovers. Here’s how to talk about outdoor activities in Spanish. Notice that in the Spanish column we include both the noun and the verb for the specific activity, whereas in English the -ing word encompasses both.

Outdoor activities Las actividades al aire libre
Camping El campismo, Acampar
Fishing La pesca, Pescar
Having a picnic Hacer un picnic
Climbing La escalada, Escalar
Hiking El senderismo, El excursionismo, Hacer senderismo, Hacer excursionismo
Surfing El surf, Surfear
Rowing El remo, Remar
Sailing La navegación, Navegar
Scuba diving El buceo, Bucear
Birdwatching La observación de aves, Observar aves
Bungee jumping El puentismo, Hacer puentismo
Horse riding La equitación, Montar a caballo

Arts – Las Artes

This one goes out to everyone with an artistic streak. Here we include a variety of creative arts in Spanish, noting both the noun and the verb for most of them.

Arts Las artes
Painting, To paint La pintura, Pintar
Sculpting, To sculpt La escultura, Esculpir
Drawing, To draw El dibujo, Dibujar
Calligraphy, Lettering Caligrafía
Crafting Hacer manualidades
Carpentry La carpintería
Pottery La cerámica
Photography, To photograph La fotografía, Fotografiar, Hacer fotografías
Acting, To act La actuación, Actuar
Singing, To sing El canto, Cantar
Writing music Componer canciones
Playing instruments Tocar instrumentos
Dancing Bailar

Dances and rhythms – Los bailes y ritmos

In Spanish, dance and rhythm is an integral part of the language and the culture. Here’s a list of some of the most popular Latin American dance styles, as well as some of the other international styles of dance in Spanish.

Dances and rhythms Los bailes y ritmos
Salsa La salsa
Cumbia La cumbia
Bachata La bachata
Tango El tango
Reggaeton El reguetón
Waltz El vals
Pasodoble El pasodoble
Ballet El ballet
Jazz El jazz
Bellydance La danza de vientre

Instruments – Los instrumentos

If music is your thing, you’ll want to be able to refer to what you play. Here’s a list of some popular instruments in Spanish:

Instruments Los instrumentos
Guitar La guitarra
Electric guitar La guitarra eléctrica
Violin El violín
Harp El arpa
Piano El piano
Bass El bajo
Drums La batería
Flute, Recorder La flauta
Clarinet El clarinete
Sax El saxofón
Trumpet La trompeta
Accordion El acordeón
Xylophone El xilófono
Maracas Las maracas
Synthesizer El sintetizador

Games and Entertainment – Los Juegos y el Entretenimiento

In this section we find more common pastimes in Spanish that we usually do to relax or enjoy with friends.

Pastime Pasatiempo
Watching TV Ver la televisión
Watching movies Ver películas
Reading Leer
Playing video games Jugar videojuegos
Playing board games Jugar juegos de mesa
Playing cards Jugar cartas
Going for a walk Salir de paseo
Going to the mall Ir al centro comercial
Going to the movies Ir al cine
Going to the dance club Ir a la disco
Going to the beach Ir a la playa
Going to the park Ir al parque

Domestic Hobbies – Hobbies Domésticos

There are some hobbies that we enjoy around the house. If this is your thing, here’s our list of relaxing domestic activities in Spanish.

Domestic hobbies Hobbies domésticos
Cooking La cocina, Cocinar
Baking Hornear
Sewing La costura, Coser
Knitting El tejido, Tejer
Embroidery, Embroidering El bordado, Bordar
Gardening La jardinería, Cuidar del jardín
Decorating Decorar

Activities in Spanish: Conclusion

It looks like we covered all the necessary vocabulary and expressions to talk about different activities in Spanish. Nice job! What do you say we do a little review before saying goodbye?

First, we learned how to express liking or disliking hobbies or activities in Spanish using some key verbs: gustar, encantar, amar, and odiar. In addition, we introduced some slightly more elaborate phrases for expressing your opinions on your favorite activities in Spanish. Then we covered the vocabulary of the different types of activities, starting with sports and outdoor activities, then art-related activities, relaxation and entertainment activities, and finally domestic hobbies. We even included a bunch of vocab for specific instruments and dance styles in Spanish.

We hope you enjoyed this post and learned some new words to describe your favorite activities in Spanish. Remember that you can bookmark it to review the vocabulary whenever you need to. See you in the next post!

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