You’re welcome in Spanish: 20 alternatives to “de nada”

The bartender serves your drink. You say gracias. He says you're welcome in Spanish.

Thank you and you’re welcome are among the most essential phrases for maintaining polite interactions in any language. Just as in English, there are many options for expressing thank you and you’re welcome in Spanish.

Since we’re committed to helping our Spanish learners move beyond a beginner level here at Lingohour, we’ve prepared two detailed posts with plenty of alternatives beyond the basic gracias and de nada you may already be familiar with.

Please check out our other post on different ways to say thank you in Spanish. And read on for a bunch of other ways to say you’re welcome in Spanish!

You’re welcome in Spanish: The basics

The easiest go-to response when someone thanks you in Spanish is a quick de nada, which translates essentially as it’s nothing. In fact, Spanish has quite a number of equivalents to this concept of brushing off the effort. Once we introduce de nada, we’ll get our post going with a handful of these easy variants of it’s nothing in Spanish.

The next main groupings of Spanish you’re welcome expressions we’ll introduce are broken down by formality. We’ll start off with the formal expressions you’re likely to hear in the service industry or between strangers. We’ll move on to some more familiar expressions used between anyone, and finish off with a section on colloquial expressions used between friends.

Regardless of how we group them, many of these expressions nonetheless work well in all kinds of contexts. For some, the level of formality can simply be modified by choosing whether to use tú or usted.

De nada

You’re welcome

De nada in Spanish is the simplest and most common way to respond to a thank you. It translates literally as for nothing or of nothing, implying that there’s nothing to thank for. Nonetheless, since it’s the most common of all the responses to thank you in Spanish, de nada is generally simply translated as you’re welcome.

Very neutral on the formality spectrum, de nada works well in both formal and informal contexts.

  • Gracias por el té, señora Margarita. / De nada, niña. – Thank you for the tea, Mrs. Margarita / You’re welcome, child.

You’re welcome in Spanish: Other variants of “it’s nothing”

While de nada is by far the most common Spanish you’re welcome expression whose literal meaning is along the lines of “it’s nothing,” the language boasts several other variants along the same lines.

Though their meanings are all pretty similar, knowing some alternatives allows us to pepper our speech with a nice variety of expressions just as you do in English with ones like it was nothing, it’s no big deal, don’t worry about it, no worries, don’t mention it, …

Por nada, No es nada, No fue nada

It’s nothing

We’ll start with these phrases that are also built around nada, all expressing the same concept that whatever is being thanked for was actually no big deal. They’re all suitable in all kinds of contexts.

Por nada, translating literally as for nothing, is slightly more formal than the other two. No es nada is the literal translation of it’s nothing, while no fue nada is its past tense form translating as it was nothing.

  • ¡Gracias por el regalo, mamá! / Por nada, hijo. Me alegra que te guste. – Thanks for the gift, Mom! / It’s nothing, son. I’m glad you like it.
  • Gracias por ayudarme con el jardín. / No es nada. Me gustan mucho las flores. – Thanks for helping me with the garden / It’s nothing. I really like flowers.

No hay nada que agradecer

There’s nothing to thank me for

No hay nada que agradecer is much more formal than our previous nada expressions, although its literal meaning that there’s nothing to thank for is the same.

  • Muchas gracias por esperar, señor Luis. / No hay nada que agradecer. – Thank you very much for waiting, Mr. Luis. / There is nothing to thank me for.

No hay de qué

It’s nothing

No hay de qué is also fairly formal, with a similar implication that there’s nothing to thank for.

  • Gracias por ayudar con la limpieza. / No hay de qué, director. – Thank you for helping with the cleanup. / You’re welcome, Director.

No se preocupe, No te preocupes

Don’t worry, No worries

This expression is best interpreted as don’t worry about it or no worries in Spanish, though its literal translation is don’t worry yourself. It can be used in any context.

We choose this expression’s level of formality using the Spanish reflexive pronouns corresponding with the formal usted or the informal : no se preocupe is formal, while the informal version is no te preocupes.

  • Gracias por cubrirme, profesor García. / No se preocupe, profesora Briceño. No fue nada. – Thank you for covering for me, Professor García. / Don’t worry about it, Professor Briceño. It was nothing.

Ni lo menciones

Don’t mention it

Ni lo menciones is our last expression for you’re welcome in Spanish whose intention is to downplay the importance of whatever is being thanked for. Just like its English counterpart, don’t mention it, in Spanish this is also quite an informal option.

Note that the lo in this expression is the Spanish direct object pronoun meaning it, referring in this case to whatever was being thanked for. Menciones is conjugated in the subjunctive tú form, since the statement is actually hypothetical along the lines of you shouldn’t mention it.

  • Gracias por ayudar a mi hermana con su proyecto de ciencias. / Ni lo menciones. No fue nada. – Thank you for helping my sister with her science project. / Don’t mention it. It was nothing.

You’re welcome in Spanish: Formal expressions

Now that we’ve gotten through the different versions of it’s nothing, we’re ready to branch out into other options for expressing you’re welcome in Spanish. We’ll begin with this section on relatively formal expressions that you’re most likely to hear in the service industry or used in a business context.

A la orden, A su orden, A tu orden

At your service

This expression is mostly used in Latin America. While its literal translation is closer to at your command or at your orders, it’s best interpreted as at your service.

It is especially used when shopping or after an exchange of goods or services. If you are at the supermarket paying for your groceries, for example, it is very likely that the cashier will respond a la orden after you thank them.

This expression’s level of formality can be modified depending on which of the Spanish possessive adjectives is used, with su for addressing usted and tu when addressing . Choosing la keeps the formality level neutral.

  • Voy a pagar con efectivo. Muchas gracias por el buen servicio. / A la orden, señor. – I will pay with cash. Thank you very much for the good service. / At your service, sir.
  • Muchas gracias por el pan. / A su orden. Vuelva pronto. – Thank you very much for the bread. / At your service. Come back soon.
  • ¡Hola, Daniela! Gracias por hacer el pastel de cumpleaños de mi hijo. / A tu orden, amiga. Espero que les haya gustado. – Hi, Daniela! Thank you for making my son’s birthday cake. / At your service, friend. I hope you guys liked it.

Estamos para servirle, Estamos para servirte

We’re here to serve you

Estamos para servirle is similar to the previous expression, though it’s even more formal. While the straight translation is we are here to serve you, a fair interpretation in English is simply at your service.

This expression is generally used by people who represent an institution, like bank employees or insurance agents. It can also be shortened to the form para servirle or para servirte. The level of formality depends on which of the Spanish direct object pronouns is attached to servir, with servirle for addressing usted and servirte when addressing .

  • Gracias por responder tan pronto y solucionar el problema. / Estamos para servirle, no se preocupe. – Thank you for responding so promptly and solving the problem. / We’re at your service, don’t worry about it.
  • Muchas gracias por la comida. / Para servirle. – Thank you very much for the meal. / At your service.

Gracias a usted, Gracias a ti

Thanks to you

Gracias a ti doesn’t technically mean you’re welcome in Spanish, but we’ll still include it here since it’s a common response to thank you in Spanish. Translating literally as thanks to you, it’s  used to give a reciprocal thank you when you’ve just been thanked and you want to point out that you’re the one who should be grateful.

Gracias a ti is the familiar form for addressing friends or peers, while gracias a usted is more formal.

  • ¡Gracias por acompañarme al concierto! / ¡Gracias a ti por invitarme! ¡Estoy muy emocionada! – Thank you for coming with me to the concert. / Thank you for inviting me, I’m so excited!
  • Gracias por los productos. Son de muy buena calidad. / Gracias a usted por su compra. Que los disfrute. – Thank you for the products. They are of very good quality. / Thank you for your purchase. Enjoy them.

You’re welcome in Spanish: Familiar expressions

Now that we’ve covered the variants of de nada as well as the more formal ways to say you’re welcome in Spanish, let’s look at some of the more casual responses to thank you.

You may actually recognize a few of these expressions from other familiar contexts, such as when you first meet someone. If you’re interested in expanding your options with Spanish introductions and responses, check out our detailed post on how to say “nice to meet you” in Spanish.

Es un placer, Fue un placer

It is a pleasure, It was a pleasure

Es un placer can be used as a response when someone tells you “thank you” in Spanish, translating directly as it is a pleasure. It’s just as common in its past tense form fue un placer, meaning it was a pleasure. It is more common to hear this expression in formal contexts.

By adding an infinitive verb, this expression can be easily modified to note what service is allegedly a pleasure. If you’re being thanked for your help, for example, you can respond with es un placer ayudar, meaning it’s a pleasure to help.

  • Muchas gracias por ayudar con el proyecto. / Es un placer ayudar. – Thank you very much for helping with the project. / It’s my pleasure to help.
  • Gracias por asistir a la celebración. / Fue un placer acompañarlos. – Thank you for attending the celebration. / It was a pleasure to join you.
  • Excelente trabajo. Muchas gracias. / Fue un placer, señor. – Excellent job. Thank you very much. / It was my pleasure, sir.

Con gusto

With pleasure, My pleasure

Con gusto is a somewhat formal expression that literally means with pleasure, but can also be taken to mean my pleasure in Spanish. If we’re looking for other possible translations, the use of this common phrase is essentially equivalent to happy to help or it’s my pleasure to help.

In addition to serving as you’re welcome in Spanish, con gusto can also be interpreted as a confirmation that you are willing to do a favor or request.

  • Gracias por hacer la cena, Emily. / Con gusto. Sabes que me gusta ayudar. – Thank you for making dinner, Emily. / My pleasure. You know I like to help.
  • ¿Podrías ayudarme a poner la mesa? / Con gusto, señor Esteban. – Could you help me set the table? / With pleasure, señor Esteban.

Para eso estamos

That’s what we’re here for

This is a very friendly response to thank you in Spanish. Para eso estamos literally means that’s what we’re here for, and is suitable in more or less informal contexts.

  • Gracias por ayudarme a recuperar mi dinero, oficial. / Para eso estamos, señora. Nuestro deber es hacer cumplir la ley. – Thank you for helping me get my money back, officer. / That’s what we’re here for, ma’am. Our duty is to enforce the law.

Cuando quieras, Cuando gustes


These expressions both translate literally as whenever you want, with whenever you need as a close alternative. The better English equivalent in this context is just anytime. Whether we choose cuando quieras or cuando gustes, the meaning of this response is that we’d be happy to do again whatever service is being thanked for.

Although these ways of saying you’re welcome in Spanish are not exactly informal, they’re still not entirely appropriate for very formal situations. Nonetheless, either one is still more polite than a simple de nada, and is a good way to vary our options.

  • Oye, gracias por ayudarme con la tarea de matemáticas. / Cuando quieras. – Hey, thanks for helping me with my math homework. / Anytime.
  • Gracias por ayudarme a planear mi fiesta de cumpleaños. / Cuando gustes, amiga. Fue muy divertido. – Thanks for helping me plan my birthday party. / Anytime, friend. It was very fun.

No me cuesta nada

No me cuesta nada is a pretty informal option for expressing you’re welcome in Spanish, used most when interacting with friends and family. While its literal translation is it doesn’t cost me anything, a better translation is the English expression it’s no skin off my back. In most contexts we can often just interpret it as no problem.

  • Gracias por llevarme a casa en tu auto. Lamento molestarte. / No me cuesta nada. Llámame siempre que necesites. – Thank you for giving me a ride home in your car. I’m sorry to bother you. / It’s no skin off my back. Call me whenever you need.

No hay problema

No problem, It’s no problem

This familiar expression is the literal translation of it’s no problem in Spanish. It’s very common to use no hay problema among friends and family.

  • Gracias por traducir esto por mí. / No hay problema. – Thank you for translating this for me. / No problem.

You’re welcome in Spanish: Colloquial expressions

So far we’ve gone through several series of standard options for expressing you’re welcome in Spanish, from neutral to formal to informal. We’ll finish up our post with these last few colloquial expressions.

These are getting a lot more playful, so most are really best when used between close friends and family. If you find yourself in such contexts, these Spanish you’re welcome expressions are definitely fun alternatives!

Para eso están los amigos

That’s what friends are for

Para eso están los amigos is a very nice and friendly response to thank you in Spanish. It’s quite informal, meaning essentially that’s what friends are for. As you can guess, it’s used only with friends.

  • Gracias por escucharme, chicos. Me siento mucho mejor ahora. / Para eso están los amigos, Claudia. Puedes llamarnos cuando lo necesites. – Thanks for listening to me, guys. I feel much better now. / That’s what friends are for, Claudia. You can call us anytime you need to.

Hoy por ti, mañana por mí

Today for you, tomorrow for me

This colloquial expression carries great meaning, serving as a reminder that both parties are here to help and be helped. While its literal translation is today for you, tomorrow for me, the equivalent English expression is you scratch my back, I scratch yours.

  • Gracias por ayudarme con esto. No sé cómo pagarte. / Descuida. Hoy por ti, mañana por mí. – Thank you for helping me with this. I don’t know how to repay you. / Don’t worry. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.

Las que tú tienes, Las que te adornan

The graces you have, The graces that adorn you

Our final two expressions here are actually playing on the other meaning of gracias. For some quick context, the Spanish noun una gracia translates as a grace, so gracias translates both to thank you and graces. When someone tells us gracias, we can play with this other meaning and respond that they’re the person with such graces.

Las que tú tienes translates as the [graces] you have, while las que te adornan is even more eloquent, meaning the [graces] that adorn you. (In both of these expressions, the word las functions a pronoun referring back to the original gracias mentioned by the other person.)

These expressions are more common among the elderly. Through its subtle compliment to the other person though, it’s also a flirty way to respond to thank you in Spanish.

  • Eres muy amable. Gracias. / Las que te adornan, querida. / You are very kind. Gracias. – The ones that adorn you, my dear.


If there’s one main takeaway from today’s lesson, it’s that there are many different ways to say you’re welcome in Spanish. Of course we started off with the humble de nada, as the simplest and most common option that fits well in all situations.

From there, we covered a few other neutral expressions based around de nada’s implicit meaning of it’s nothing, such as por nada, no es nada and no fue nada. Then we moved on to see some of the more formal options you’re likely to encounter in the service industry, like para servirle, and a su orden.

In the latter half of our post we introduced a bunch of more informal expressions for saying you’re welcome in Spanish, starting with con gusto and es un placer, and moving on to options for laid back contexts such as cuando quieras or ni lo menciones. We finished up with a few colloquial phrases, even explaining how to turn around someone’s expression of gracias into a graceful compliment by responding with las [gracias] que tú tienes.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this post and that you’ve expanded your repertoire of Spanish expressions for you’re welcome. Don’t forget to check our post with the various expressions for thank you in Spanish too. ¡Muchos gracias a ti!

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