¡Buen Provecho! A Delicious Guide to Food in Spanish

Man at a fruit stand buying food in Spanish

You will surely agree that food is an essential part of our lives. After all, who doesn’t like a good plate of delicious food? Whether it’s to go grocery shopping, understanding new recipes, reading menus in Spanish or talking about your favorite foods, knowing how to name food in Spanish is an indispensable step to mastering this language.

That’s why we bring you this super post where you will find all the vocabulary you need to name food in Spanish. We will cover the main food groups and some popular foods in Hispanic countries that are not well known to English speakers (although they should be). You will also find verbs that will be useful to describe certain culinary activities, as well as the terms that describe each meal time.

Let’s get this cooking!

Cereals and grains in Spanish: los Cereales, los Granos

Grains are a fundamental part of the typical Latin diet, especially corn. In most Hispanic countries you will find a special corn-based dish. Here is a list of grains in Spanish as well as their by-products to get the vocabulary down.

Food: English Food: Spanish
Wheat El trigo
Rice El arroz
Oats La avena
Barley La cebada
Rye El centeno
Corn El maíz
Sorghum El sorgo
Semolina La sémola
Millet El mijo
Amaranth El amaranto
Quinoa La quinoa
Couscous El cuscús
Popcorn Las palomitas de maíz
Oatmeal La gacha de avena
Flour La harina
Bread El pan
Pasta La pasta
Cookie La galleta
Cracker La galletita de agua

Legumes in Spanish: las Legumbres

These wonderful sources of vegetable protein are not only very nutritious, but also very tasty. There are a lot of legumes and in Latin America they are very popular. Here is a list of the most common legumes.

Food: English Food: Spanish
Red beans Los frijoles rojos
Yellow beans Los frijoles amarillos
Black beans Los frijoles negros, Las caraotas
Navy beans Los frijoles blancos
Cowpeas Los frijoles chinos
Bayo beans Los frijoles bayos
Pigeon pea Los frijoles gandules
Black eyed peas Los frijoles caupí
Green beans Las judías verdes
Chickpeas Los garbanzos
Green peas Las arvejas, Los guisantes, Los chícharos
Yellow peas Las arvejas amarillas
Lentils Las lentejas
Black lentils Las lentejas belugas
Brown lentils Las lentejas pardinas
Red lentils Las lentejas turcas
Green lentils Las lentejas verdinas
White lentils Las lentejas blancas
White lupins Los lupinos, Los chochos
Peanuts El maní, El cacahuate
Grass peas Las almortas
Alfalfa La alfalfa

Fruits in Spanish: las Frutas

This is a long one, but it doesn’t hurt to know the name of the fruits in Spanish. One really awesome thing about Latin America is the wide variety of fruits that are available.

In fact, you may come across some that you may not have known about before, such as the achachairú fruit, which only grows in Bolivia. You should definitely give new fruits a try when you’re traveling!

Fruits are so popular that you can often find a wide variety of juices on restaurant menus. Check out our dedicated post for full explanations on drinks in Spanish. For now, you’ll find a juicy list of fruits in Spanish to expand your food vocabulary.

Food: English Food: Spanish
Orange La naranja
Lime La lima
Lemon El limón
Grapefruit La toronja
Tangerine La mandarina
Kiwi El kiwi
Pineapple La piña
Passionfruit La maracuyá
Cucumber El pepino
Banana El plátano, El banano
Apple La manzana
Pear La pera
Mango El mango
Peach El durazno, El melocotón
Apricot El albaricoque
Plum La ciruela
Guava La guayaba
Avocado El aguacate
Melon El melón
Watermelon La sandía, La patilla
Papaya La papaya
Grapes La uva
Dates El dátil
Pomegranate La granada
Fig El higo
Blackberry La mora
Strawberry La fresa, la frutilla
Raspberry La frambuesa
Blueberry El arándano
Cranberry El arándano rojo
Coconut El coco
Cocoa bean El cacao
Chestnut La castaña
Pistachio El pistacho
Hazelnut La avellana
Tamarind El tamarindo
Loquat El níspero
Cashew El marañón
Grenadia, Granadilla La granadilla
Quince El membrillo
Golden berry La uchuva
Banana passionfruit La curuba
Pitaya, Dragon fruit La pitaya
Mangosteen El mangostino
Rambutan El rambután, El mamón chino
Star fruit La carambola, El tamarindo chino
Lychee El litchi, El lichi
Lucuma La lúcuma, El lúcumo
Cocona La cocona
Soursop La guanábana
Achachairu, achacha El achachairú
Jabuticaba El guapurú
Cupuaçu El copoazú
Tamarillo El tomate de árbol, El tomatillo
Chilean wineberry El maqui
Guineps El mamón, El mamoncillo

Vegetables in Spanish: las Verduras

We all know that vegetables are essential for a healthy diet. In Latin American dishes they are indispensable to give them that flavor or “sazón” that makes you lick your fingers. Here is a list of the most common vegetables. Although mushrooms are not technically vegetables, we include them in this group.

Food: English Food: Spanish
Cabbage El repollo
Lettuce La lechuga
Brussel sprouts La col de bruselas
Spinach La espinaca
Swiss chard La acelga
Watercress El berro
Radish El rábano
Turnip El nabo
Kohlrabi El colinabo
Beet La remolacha
Carrot La zanahoria
Onion La cebolla
Garlic El ajo
Cauliflower La coliflor
Broccoli El brócoli
Zucchini El calabacín
Eggplant, Aubergine La berenjena
Artichoke La alcachofa
Asparagus El espárrago
Leek El puerro
Celery El apio
Pumpkin La calabaza, La auyama, El zapallo
Sweet potato La batata
Potato La papa, La patata
Plantain El plátano
Yam El ñame
Mushrooms Los champiñones

Meat in Spanish: la Carne

In this section we will look at the main sources of animal protein. We also include seafood and meat products such as sausages. Note that it says “carne de…” to describe the meat source. However, if you are at a restaurant, you can just say that you want to eat “cordero”, for example. Let’s fire up the grill!

Food: English Food: Spanish
Beef La carne de res
Veal La carne de ternera
Mutton La carne de cordero
Pork La carne de cerdo
Suckling pig meat La carne de lechón
Chicken El pollo
Turkey El pavo
Duck El pato
Goose El ganso
Rabbit El conejo
Egg El huevo
Fish El pescado
Seafood Los mariscos
Calamari El calamar
Octopus El pulpo
Shrimp El camarón
Prawn El langostino
Lobster La langosta
Crab El cangrejo
Oysters Las ostras
Ham El jamón
Sausage La salchicha
Chorizo El chorizo
Salami El salami

Dairy Products in Spanish: los Productos lácteos

In this section we will cover the main milk derivatives, from yummy cheese to delicious ice cream.

Food: English Food: Spanish
Milk La leche
Whole milk La leche entera
Non-dairy milk La leche deslactosada
Skim milk La leche descremada
Evaporated milk La leche evaporada
Condensed milk La leche condensada
Powdered milk La leche en polvo
Soy milk La leche de soya
Buttermilk El suero de leche
Butter La mantequilla
Yogurt El yogur
Cheese El queso
Cream cheese El queso crema
Sour cream La crema agria
Whipped cream La crema batida
Custard La crema
Ice cream El helado

Spices and Condiments in Spanish: las Especias, los Condimentos

Seasonings are very important to prepare even the simplest dishes in Latin culture. If you want to learn how to name foods in Spanish, knowing the names of spices is a must. So here we bring you a list of the most popular spices in Spanish.

Food: English Food: Spanish
Annatto El achiote
Barberry El agracejo
Basil La albahaca
Anise El anís
Star anise El anís estrellado
Saffron El azafrán
Cinnamon La canela
Cardamom El cardamomo
Chives El cebollino
Chili pepper El chile
Coriander El cilantro
Clove El clavo
Cumin El comino
Turmeric La cúrcuma
Juniper berry El enebro
Dill El eneldo
Mexican tea El epazote
Tarragon El estragón
Blue ginger La galanga
Lemongrass El malojillo, La hierba limón
Peppermint La hierbabuena
Fennel El hinojo
Bay laurel El laurel
Maca, Peruvian ginseng La maca
Mint La menta
Mustard seeds La mostaza
Nutmeg La nuez moscada
Oregano El orégano
Parsley El perejil
Pepper La pimienta
Salt La sal
Rosemary El romero
Sage La salvia
Chia seeds La chía
Sesame seeds El ajonjolí, El sésamo
Thyme El tomillo
Vanilla La vainilla
Ketchup La salsa de tomate, El kétchup
Mayonnaise La mayonesa
Mustard La mostaza
Olive oil El aceite de oliva

Desserts in Spanish: los Postres

This section could not be missed. Below you will find a delicious list of the most common categories of sweet foods, including sugar itself. Yummy!

Food: English Food: Spanish
Sugar El azúcar
Cake El pastel, La torta
Chocolate El chocolate
Candy Los dulces
Cupcake El pastelillo
Pie La tarta, El pay

Food in Spanish: Mealtimes

In addition to knowing how to name all these foods in Spanish, knowing a little more about how to talk about mealtimes and the verbs used for each one might come in handy for you. As you’ll see below, in Spanish there is a verb for each meal, and we even have a verb for afternoon snack time, which we call la merienda! Let’s take a look at that vocabulary to learn how to talk about food in Spanish.

English Spanish
Breakfast El desayuno
Lunch El almuerzo
Afternoon snack La merienda
Dinner La cena
To have breakfast Desayunar
To have lunch Almorzar
To have a snack Merendar
To have dinner Cenar


Wow, that was a long ride. If you made it this far, congratulations! You now know how to name a lot of foods in Spanish. Of course, you don’t have to memorize it all, but knowing that there’s a comprehensive list of all the Spanish food vocabulary you need can take a load off your shoulders.

Before we part ways, let’s review everything we covered in today’s post, shall we?

We looked at the major food groups, starting with cereals and grains. Then we looked at legumes, fruits and vegetables. We continued with meats and dairy products and culminated with food names in Spanish with spices and desserts.

Finally, to close with a flourish, we saw the name of each of the mealtimes and the Spanish verbs used for each one. We hope you enjoyed this post, and recommend bookmarking it for whenever you need to practice your food vocabulary.

See you next time! ¡Buen provecho! – Enjoy your meal!

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