Shopping in Spanish: How to Shop like a Local

Are you ready to hit the malls and the markets? Let's cover everything you'll need to go shopping in Spanish with confidence!

Woman clothes shopping in Spanish

Shopping is one of the few activities that everyone seems to enjoy. When we visit a new place for the first time, we always want to check out the local shops and go shopping to get everything we need or bring a souvenir home to our loved ones. This is especially true if we are visiting a foreign country, so it’s important you know how to go shopping in Spanish.

When you visit the shops and make your purchases, you can do it with confidence, just as a native would. However, to achieve a successful shopping day, we need to master the necessary phrases and vocabulary to mix with the natives of the country. This post will teach you the keywords and vocabulary in Spanish. Ready to go shopping in Spanish? Let’s get started.

Finding the Right Shop: Inside the Stores

When visiting Spanish-speaking countries, you’ll need essential supplies, food, hygiene products, souvenirs, and other odds and ends.

So, what types of stores are you looking for? You will find a massive selection of stores in Spanish-speaking countries. Some of them are where you may find anything from groceries to household equipment, all in one spot. So you’ll need to know what you’re going to buy, what kinds of stores you’re looking for, and where they’re located.

Types of stores

Tipos de tiendas

When looking for a store you already have in mind, you can always look for the signs inside a mall or simply ask:

Excuse me, do you know where I can find a…? – Disculpe, ¿sabe dónde puedo encontrar…?

Boutique Un boutique
Market Un mercado
Supermarket Un supermercado
Greengrocers Una frutería / Una verdulería
Butcher market Un mercado de carnes
Grocery store Una tienda de comestibles
Hardware store Una ferretería
Mall Un centro comercial
Travel agency Una agencia de viajes
Café Una cafetería
Butcher’s shop Una carnicería
Liquor store Una licorería
Bakery Una panadería
Cake shop, Pastry shop, Confectioner’s shop Una repostería
Fish stand Una pescadería
Hair salon Una peluquería
Pharmacy Una farmacia
Flower shop Una florería
Gas station Una gasolinera (in Latin America, gas stations are good places to go for bathrooms, ATMs, and more)
Jewelry store Una joyería
Toy store Una juguetería
Book store Una librería (don’t confuse it with the word “library,” that is “biblioteca”)
Clothing store Una tienda de ropa
Sports store Una tienda de deportes
Music store Una tienda de música
Shoe store Una zapatería

Signs: Schedule and location

Letreros: Horario y ubicación

So, you’ve already found the store or mall you were looking for, and now you see a whole new world of phrases around the stores and shops about open hours and locations. Well, don’t worry! Take a look at this helpful list of vocabulary about shopping in Spanish to get around with confidence:

Open Abierto
Closed Cerrado
Push Empuje
Pull Hale
Entrance La entrada
Exit La salida
Business hours El horario de atención
Basement La planta sótano
Ground floor La planta baja
First floor La primera planta
Second floor La segunda planta
Third floor La tercera planta
Opening hours El horario de atención
Fitting Room El probador
Manager El / La gerente
Stand El puesto
Aisles Los pasillos

Where to buy

Dónde comprar

Sometimes we have an idea of what we’re looking for, but we don’t know where to buy it. So, here’s a good list of phrases and vocabulary you can use to ask around about the good stores and specific items:

Where can I buy a…? ¿Dónde puedo comprar un/una…?
Do you know a place where they make / do / perform…? ¿Conoce un lugar donde realizan…?
Do you know where they sell…? ¿Conoce un lugar donde venden…?
Do you know of a … around here? ¿Conoce algún … por aquí cerca?
Where is the closest / cheapest / coolest clothing store?  ¿Dónde queda la tienda de ropa más cercana / económica / chévere?
Which one do you recommend to me? ¿Cuál me recomienda?

Asking What You’re Looking for

Once you’ve found your store, you’re ready to start shopping in Spanish to find the items you’re looking for. Let’s learn vocabulary for the most common ones.

If you’re looking for specific articles of clothing beyond what we include in this post, we recommend checking out our detailed post on clothes in Spanish. Likewise, if you’re shopping at the supermarket you might be interested in our specific post on food in Spanish.


Los artículos

Kitchenware Artículos de cocina
Office supplies Artículos de oficina
Cosmetics Cosméticos
Personal hygiene products Productos de higiene personal
Clothing and shoes Ropa y zapatos
Toys Juguetes
China and glassware Porcelana y cristalería
Jewelry Joyería, Joyas
Lingerie / Underwear Lencería / Ropa interior
Appliances Electrodomésticos
Electronics Artículos electrónicos
Groceries Comestibles
Vegetables Vegetales, Verduras
Fruits Frutas
Dairy products Productos lácteos
Gardening items Artículos para jardinería
Babies Bebés
Tools Herramientas
Pet items Artículos para mascotas
Furniture Muebles


La calidad

“Las tres B” is our three Bs mantra for shopping in Spanish. When buying something, we’re looking for Bueno, Bonito y Barato (good, nice, and cheap). Here are some words you’ll need to talk about the quality of an item:

Cheap Barato/a
Pretty Bonito/a
Affordable Económico/a
Elegant Elegante
Ugly Feo/a
Luxury Lujoso/a


El material

You might have a few more questions before deciding on your purchase.

So, before you even start discussing prices, here are some useful phrases for shopping in Spanish to pin down what you’re buying:

  • What material is it made of? – ¿De qué material es?
  • What type of fabric is this? – ¿Qué tipo de tela es?
  • I love the patterns on that table, the carved wood looks awesome. I think we should buy it. – Me encantan los grabados de esa mesa, la madera tallada se ve impresionante. Creo que deberíamos comprarla.
  • There are many kinds of fitted sheets for the home, would you like to see them? – Hay muchos tipos de sábanas ajustables para el hogar, ¿te gustaría verlas?
Organic Orgánico/a
Handmade Hecho a mano
Homemade Casero/a
Carved Tallado/a
Fitted Ajustable
Sewn Cosido/a
Knitted Tejido/a
Ceramic Cerámico/a
Porcelain Porcelana
Fiber Fibra
Cotton Algodón
Leather Cuero
Flannel Franela
Wool Lana
Lycra Licra
Velvet Terciopelo
Made in… Hecho en…

Ready for Shopping

So, have you already found that specific shirt you were looking for? In the right color and material from your favorite store? Awesome! Time to try it on and see how it fits!


La talla

Check the tag and look for these:

Small size (S) Talla pequeña (P)
Medium size (M) Talla mediana (M)
Large size (L) Talla grande (G)
Extra large size (XL) Talla extra grande (XG)
One size fits all Talla única

Another helpful tip when shopping in Spanish is to use an online chart to help you translate your sizes before you start shopping. Knowing the length of your feet in centimeters will be useful in many Spanish-speaking countries since this is how many shoes are sized.

All right! Now let’s head to the fitting rooms (probadores).

Try it on!


We all know sizing can be tricky when we are trying new brands, so you’ll have to grab your items and try them on! Here are some useful phrases you can learn to talk to the salespeople and find the perfect items!

Please, can you help me? Por favor, ¿me puede ayudar?
Where are the fitting rooms? ¿Dónde están los probadores?
Can I try this on? ¿Puedo probarme esto?
Do you have this in … size? ¿Tiene este en talla…?
It fits me well. Me queda bien.
It doesn’t fit me. No me queda.
It’s too big on me. Me queda muy grande.
It’s too tight here. Me queda ajustado aquí.
My shoe size is… Mi talla de zapatos es…
Do you have this one in another color? ¿Tiene este en otro color?
It’s sold out. Está agotado/a.
Are you going to take it? ¿Se lo lleva?
I’ll think about it. Lo voy a pensar.
I’m not sure. No estoy segura. / No estoy seguro.
I’m going to keep looking. Voy a seguir buscando.
I’m just looking, thanks. Solo estoy mirando, gracias.
I would like one of those, please Quisiera uno de esos, por favor.
Thank you very much, sir / ma’am Muchas gracias, señor/a
I want this / that Quiero este / ese
I don’t like this one so much. Este/a no me gusta tanto
I really like / love this one! ¡Me encanta este/a!
Where can I find…? ¿Dónde puedo encontrar…?
En el pasillo… In aisle number…
I’ll take it! ¡Me lo llevo!
  • Welcome! May I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular? – ¡Bienvenido(a)! ¿Puedo ayudarle? ¿Busca algo en especial?
  • No, thank you. I’m just looking. – No, gracias. Solo estoy mirando.

Paying a Fair Price

After finding everything we want and need, it is time to go and pay to carry away our purchases.

Let’s talk about money, and some see useful Spanish shopping phrases for completing the payment process in the best possible way in stores or markets.


El dinero

Money El dinero
Cash El efectivo
Bills Los billetes
Coins Las modenas
Currency La moneda
Exchange rate La tasa de cambio
Change El cambio
Credit card Una tarjeta de crédito
Debit card Una tarjeta de débito
Wire transfer Una transferencia bancaria
Point of sale El punto de venta
Dollars Los dólares
Euros Los euros
Pesos Los pesos

Checkout phrases

Frases útiles de pago

How much is this one? ¿Cuánto cuesta este?
Do you take credit cards? ¿Acepta tarjeta?
Cash only Sólo efectivo
I don’t have change No tengo cambio
Do you have a smaller bill? ¿No tiene un billete más pequeño?
Do you have change for…? ¿No tiene cambio para…?
Can you give me change for a $… bill? ¿Me puede cambiar un billete de $…?
What is the exchange rate? ¿Cuál es la tasa de cambio?
How much does it cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta?
How much (in dollars)? How much (in pesos)? How much (in euros)? ¿Cuántos dólares? ¿Cuántos pesos? ¿Cuántos euros?
Does it have a discount? ¿Tiene descuento?
On sale En oferta
Where is the cash register? ¿Dónde está la caja registradora?
Would you like a bag? ¿Desea una bolsa?, ¿Quiere una bolsa?
No bag, please. Sin bolsa, por favor
Yes, I need a bag, please Sí, necesito una bolsa, por favor

Bargaining in Spanish

Negociando en español

After asking the clerk or the salesperson in a shop or a market for their price (how much? – ¿Cuánto cuesta?), we can try to negotiate the price so we don’t have to pay more than necessary and keep our budget. Thus, if we can get an offer, it will be better for us and our wallets.

So, let’s see how to become the best bargain person when shopping in Spanish. For example, we are in an open-air market and ask the salesperson the price of a beautiful carpet. The question to approach the salesperson would be:

  • How much are you asking for…? – ¿Cuánto pide por…?

The answer from the salesperson would be:

  • Give me $…  – Deme $…

Time to make a move with the counteroffer, then we can use one of these phrases according to the dynamic of the situation:

  • It’s too expensive! – ¡Es demasiado caro!
  • I’ll give you $… – Le doy $…
  • I have $… – Tengo $…
  • I don’t have more money. – No tengo más dinero.
  • It’s all I have. – Es lo único que tengo.

Also, there exists the possibility to get a better price if you buy more than one item. If we want to use this option, we can ask:

  • And what if I take…? – ¿Y si me llevo…?
  • What price would you give me? – ¿En cuánto me los deja?

After giving the salesperson our offer, depending on whether he accepts it or not, we will be able to take out our beautiful carpet with us.


Well, that covers it! Now you know how to go shopping in Spanish. With all the topics covered here, now you have enough tools for going shopping as a native speaker and having fun during your trip, all at the same time.

¡Hasta la próxima entrega!

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